Alright...so on Friday, I caught my first baby -- a boy weighing in at a healthy 8 lbs. It was a first-time mom who was an induction for "post-dates." I was working with Midwife A who I worked with in the office. We came on in the middle of her induction around 4cm. She was complete around 1130a, but baby was still high so we labored her down. She pushed for maybe 15 minutes and we had a baby. I didn't drop him (thank goodness.) He had a nuchal cord x 2 that was easily reduced. She was intact and had just a couple little skid marks...nothing to suture. Placenta came out without difficulty and she had minimal bleeding. Overall...a great first delivery. Somewhere in my deer-in-headlights face, the family asked if this was my first delivery...I said no because -technically- I've been at other deliveries. Just not as the midwife.
This was the day when we had some freak snow storm outta nowhere. Check out what it looked like after just a couple hours (Is it just me or do I need to pay more attention to the weather..?) I left the hospital earlier than expected so I didn't get caught in it and have to spend the night there. We didn't have much going on -- only 3 pts: two who were C/S & the one we delivered.
Onto my fabulous weekend with B. She had to drive through the crappy freak snow storm on Friday while I was at the hospital. It took her a long time to finally get here, most of which was spent trucking through crazy snow and even crazier southern drivers who have no idea how to drive in snow. After a minor freak out moment, she made it here in one piece. We had dinner at a yummy sushi place with my friends from school, W & H who are dating. We stayed with H over the weekend per the breakup agreement of no overnight guests. Saturday we went to brunch with them, then to the aquarium (which was awesome), and Valentine's Day dinner. Sunday I made her my yummy french toast and then we went to see V*lentine's Day which was super cute. We spent the rest of the time just hanging out and she left yesterday.
I spent yesterday in the hospital with a different midwife who I hadn't met before. Midwife C (MC) as she shall be dubbed was interesting to say the least. She felt comfortable with me being hands-on and really seemed to like teaching. Her confidence was not the best ---- it's hard to make a student feel comfortable when you're not. When we came on shift there was no one laboring but that soon changed. We had a few pts in triage...a couple not in labor who were sent home. Then came a multip induction (4+ cm & labile BPs) and 35wk twins w/SROM. The twin momma wanted to go vag so we went for it. Doc on call with us was super freakin impatient the whole day. Very hands on...interventive and pushy. I did not like him hovering over my pts at all. 35wker went vag with both babies...delivered in the OR. I didn't catch them...waaaaayyyy too much pressure. MC was really nervous about that birth. I was glad when it was over. Our induction was chugging along -- wanted to go natural. By 1845, she was complete and wanted to push. So we did --- baby girl (delivery #2) came down nicely. Born around 1900...another 8+ pounder and intact with just a few skid marks. Minimal bleeding. Pushy doc came by while we were pushing and got all up in my space. Gr. He did leave soon thereafter.
So excited to find your blog! I'm an aspiring midwife gearing up for next year's applications to second bachelors/direct entry MSN programs. I'm also mothering my five children with my partner/wife. Looking forward to reading your archives, and congratulations on catching your first baby!
Heather -- thanks for reading! Sounds like we have a lot in common.
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