Saturday, December 22, 2007

Has anyone else noticed...

That now to leave comments on other pages, blogger requires you to type a 6-8 letter non-word scramble?

Gr. I find this highly annoying.


Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

This is the case only if you require it. (I do, for instance.)

I didn't have to do this to leave this comment, because you don't require it.


Anonymous said...

I highly, highly recommend switching to Wordpress. I was with Blogger for a good year or more, but after I finally made the switch I was very happy. And there is a way to import your blogger blog to wordpress so you don't lose content; it takes about 5 minutes. :)

drc said...

I hate those things, too...but after being slammed with about 200 Spam messages, I decided I needed to have a way of separating the machines from everyone else.

Sean Dustman said...

You get a reader that doesn't like you and he can bomb spam you.

Em said...

I'm not a fan of them either. My dyslexic gf REALLY hates them. lol