Saturday, January 24, 2009

25 Things about Me

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you.  At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged.  You have to tag the person that tagged you.  If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.  

  1. Coffee is my ultimate love.  It is the first thing I want in the morning -- the one thing I need to get my day started.  Please don't ask me to make any major decisions without first having my morning cup 'o joe.  I even purchased a brand new coffee maker for my parent's house because I snobbily disapproved of theirs.  
  2. I'm kind of a nerdy geek.  I like technology, the internet, new gadgets, and marching band.  I think nerdy is cool.  
  3. Despite my nurturing spirit, I can kill almost any plant that comes into my life.  
  4. I want to be a midwife more than anything.  It's my calling.  Seeing a baby come into this world is by far the most amazing thing I have ever seen.  Ever.   It warms my heart when my friends say they want me as their midwife when they have babies.
  5. I'm Native American -- NC Cherokee to be specific.  
  6. My family, especially my father, are my heart and soul.  I would do anything for them.   It sucks being so far away.  I'm the oldest of 9 children.  Amazingly, I can remember everyone's names!  Mostly, we all look like my dad.  
  7. I was a nanny for like 6 years before coming to Atlanta.  My favorite was nannying for twin girls.  I still stay in contact with their momma.  They're four this May.  
  8. I've only quit one job.  Ever.  It was a horrible job that has scarred me for life.  
  9. Sometimes, I boycott shaving, especially in the winter.  It takes up too much of my time.  
  10. My Fuji Crosstown 2.0 in burgundy is my primary mode of transportation.  I have a rack, an Ortlieb waterproof pannier, and (new) black fenders.  I hope to add new bell soon.  
  11. I can be super mean when you're trying to wake me up.  I say things I don't remember and will tell major lies in order to stay in bed.  Not sure how this is going to work when I'm on call-shifts. 
  12. I want lots of kids.  Circa 5 or more.  And I want to have my babies at home. 
  13. I don't really like to put my clothes away.  If it weren't for Beloved, I'd have my clothes decorating every surface of my apartment.  
  14. I graduated with a BA in Women's Studies in 2007.  My diploma still isn't framed.  
  15. I don't really like cartoon-themed scrubs.  I have sworn to myself that I will not wear them.  
  16. My DivaCup is freakin' awesome.  If you have any questions, please ask.  
  17. Aside from my eyes, I'd say my breasts are one of my best features.  People who don't know my name at school have aptly settled on the girl "with the boobs."     
  18. I used to smoke.  I quit almost 4 years ago when I started dating Beloved.  I'm so glad it happened before nursing school.  
  19. I like the L Word.  Even better than the show is the Planet Podcast with KC & Elka.  They are so funny.  
  20. I like artists.  My two most serious relationships have been with a painter & a musician.
  21. I had two monologues in my university's production of The Vagina Monologues.  My father and entire family attended.  I had the see-you-next-Tuesday monologue.  
  22.  My baby brother is 7 years old.  He was born when I was a senior in high school.  He and I are super close.  I was the only one who could put him down to sleep until age 2.  He's still spoiled.  People used to mistake him for my son.  
  23. I am friends with all of my exes.  Pretty standard in the lesbian community.  
  24. I'm addicted to Pandora & PandoraJam.  
  25. A quote from Peggy Vincent's Baby Catcher, "Seeing a white dove fly free from a wizard's cupped hands paled in comparison to watching a glistening baby with pink fingernails and wet eyelashes appear from inside a woman's body.  It wasn't magic.  It was real.  In that moment, I knew I wanted to spend my life caring for women having babies."   
Please leave me a comment to yours, so I can read it.  Thanks for playing!

I tag: 
But if anyone else who I didn't tag wants to play, go right ahead!  Just leave me a link to the post so I can read it. 


Amy said...

cool, thanks for playing! 5 kids, wow, that's a lot! though coming from a family of 9 would probably make 5 for you a walk in the park. i'm feeling anxious about juggling 2...

how does the other half feel about that plan? ; )

Student Nurse Midwife said...

Amy -- the other half is fine with the whole bunch of kids plan. She says no more pets and that we can hop on the kid train soon. Since I do want so many, we've got to start soon. Definitely before I turn 29ish.

Pamela said...

thanks for the tag..hopefully I'll get to my blog to come up with some stuff. :)

I love my Diva cup, too. I used to have a Keeper (the first gen cup) but I'm starting to develop a latex sensitivity. :( I miss my Keeper but am liking the Diva, too (the Diva is more flimsy).

Student Nurse Midwife said...

I love the diva cup. I never had the occasion to try the Keeper. I feel so much better that I don't pollute, plus it's way cheaper than forking over $10/box of tampons each month. That's highway robbery! I think I'm allergic to tampons anyways. Me & my diva cup have been hanging out for almost a year now. Best $30 ever spent.

Journey_On said...

I did one of these on my Facebook!

14. Hehe, I graduated with a BS in Psychology in 2007, and my diploma isn't framed either (yet).

16. I know about the DivaCup and have been quite curious about it. I would love to not have to change it in the middle of the night, like you have to with a tampon. I am a little worried that it might be painful when you're first learning how to insert it? I know a little bit about how it goes in, but I was curious how user-friendly it was for first timers. I am a tampon user, but I am only comfortable with using regular absorbency ones.

24. I <3 Pandora!!

Student Nurse Midwife said...

Iris --- the DivaCup is very user-friendly. It took me just a couple of times to get the hang of putting it in. You just fold it in half, so it looks like a U. Insert it just like a tampon, but then you make sure you rotate it so that the cup opens up. Adjust to your comfort et voila. That's it. Depending on your flow you can wear it for 12+ hrs. I think it's awesome that I don't have to mess with anything when I'm working. And actually, it's quite clean, straight-forward and more convenient than tampons. You should give it a shot!

Kim said...

I want to play. Here's mine: