Thursday, September 13, 2007

Don't touch the models

Alright, so in our Clinical lab classes, we mostly practice our newly acquired skills on each other. (see post below) Today was no different. We were learning about body mechanics, patient positioning, etc. In our lab we do have life-size models who are anatomically correct for us to practice doing foley catheters, IVs, rectal exams, etc. One such life sized model was occupying a bed we needed to use for our demonstration. This model was essentially a male body, but instead of a penis, there was a vagina. A pretty well defined, realistic looking vagina, urethra, and anus.

All of the classmates gathered around the model as we moved it -- we haven't done anything with the models yet, so we were all interested in seeing it. Well, the genitalia was the first topic of discussion. It appeared as if you could simply remove the vagina and put a penis there. I then proceeded to pull the vagina off the model, then put it back on the model. As I did so, a stream of yellow "urine" squirted out from the model onto my hand! I shrieked, "It peed on me!" And my entire class erupted in laughter (including me.) I was so surprised that I turned beet red and laughed so hard I cried. It was the funniest thing that's happened since school started.


Amy said...

That's hysterical!! I can't imagine how I would have reacted to something like that if I wasn't expecting it.

minority midwife said...

LMAO! OMG! LOL. Good old "Harry" is that what you guys' doll is called?